Course Recap and Further Resources


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Congratulations on successfully finishing the “Get Started with the GA4 BigQuery Export” course! In this closing tutorial, we will review all the knowledge you’ve gained throughout the series and provide you with additional valuable resources available on the site to support your ongoing learning journey.

This is part 10 of 10 in our series, “Get Started with the GA4 BigQuery Export”. Check out the course overview for a full list of all the topics covered.

Course Summary

That’s it! You’ve successfully reached the end of the course. Throughout this journey, you’ve acquired essential skills to unlock the full potential of your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data within BigQuery. Let’s recap the key takeaways from each tutorial.

1. You initiated your GA4 BigQuery journey by setting up the export within your GA4 property, laying the foundation for accessing and analyzing your GA4 data in BigQuery.

2. You delved into two comprehensive sample datasets to gain hands-on experience with GA4 data analysis. This practical approach allowed you to explore real-world data without waiting for your data to accumulate.

3. You became familiar with the architecture of GA4 data within BigQuery, including daily tables and intraday tables. This structural knowledge is essential for efficient data retrieval and analysis.

4. You mastered the art of querying GA4 event data, uncovering actionable insights to enhance your website or app’s performance and learning how to dissect event data for meaningful conclusions.

5. You delved deeper into event parameters, unlocking their potential for advanced analysis and discovering how to extract, utilize, and interpret these parameters to gain deeper insights.

6. You gained an understanding of user properties and their role in enhancing user analysis, learning how to access and leverage user properties effectively for more comprehensive data analysis.

7. You extended your data analysis capabilities by mastering the art of querying across multiple GA4 tables. This skill enables seamless analysis of data over various time periods and scenarios.

8. You acquired the essential skills for manipulating date and time data. These skills are crucial for conducting time-based analyses, enabling you to uncover trends and patterns.

9. You learned how to recreate fundamental GA4 metrics and generate reports that provide actionable insights. These skills empower you to track and optimize your website or app’s performance.

Next Steps

You’ve come a long way, but your exploration doesn’t have to end here. There’s a wealth of additional resources available on the site to help you further refine your GA4 and BigQuery skills:

GA4 Export Schemas – Dive deeper into GA4’s schema and learn about the structure of your data. Understanding the schema is fundamental to crafting precise queries.

Calculate GA4 Metrics – Explore a collection of sample queries to create custom GA4 metrics tailored to your specific analytics needs.

Sample Queries – Discover sample queries for creating insightful reports based on your GA4 data. These queries can be a springboard for your own report-building adventures.

Wrapping up

Remember, this course is just the beginning of your journey into the world of GA4 and BigQuery. Continue to experiment, analyze, and uncover valuable insights to optimize your website or app’s performance. Your newfound skills are your ticket to data-driven success.

Thank you for joining us on this educational journey. We look forward to seeing how you’ll apply your knowledge to drive better decision making and achieve your analytics goals. Happy analyzing!

New to the GA4 BigQuery export? Check out our free introductory guide.