Get Started with the GA4 BigQuery Export

Welcome to the “Get Started with the GA4 BigQuery Export” course! This comprehensive FREE training will empower you to unlock the full potential of your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data within BigQuery.

Course Overview

Each tutorial provides hands-on guidance, equipping you with the practical skills needed to make the most of your GA4 data in BigQuery. Get ready to delve into the world of data analysis and decision-making with GA4 and BigQuery!

Click the button below to start our FREE course from the beginning, or dive into any of the tutorials using the links below.

Get Started with the GA4 BigQuery Export

 1. How to Enable the BigQuery Export in Your GA4 Property: Kick-start your GA4 BigQuery journey by learning how to setup the export within your own GA4 property. [Read now]

 2. How to Connect to the GA4 Sample Datasets: Gain hands-on experience without waiting for your own data to accumulate by diving into Google’s sample datasets. [Read now]

 3. Understand the Structure of the GA4 Export in BigQuery: Explore the layout and structure of the GA4 data in BigQuery, getting acquainted with the daily and intraday tables. [Read now]

 4. Exploring GA4 Event Data in BigQuery: Discover the different types of events you’ll find within the BigQuery data and learn how to query and analyze event data. [Read now]

 5. Extract GA4 Event Parameters in BigQuery: Delve deeper into event parameters, understanding how to retrieve and utilize them for more advanced analysis. [Read now]

 6. Extract GA4 User Properties in BigQuery: Uncover the significance of user properties, exploring how to access and leverage them to better understand your users. [Read now]

 7. Querying Multiple GA4 Tables in BigQuery: Master the art of querying data across multiple GA4 tables, enabling you to seamlessly analyze data over time periods. [Read now]

 8. Working With Dates and Times in BigQuery: Gain the skills to manipulate date and time data, crucial for performing time-based analyses in BigQuery. [Read now]

 9. Creating GA4 Metrics and Reports in BigQuery: Learn how to recreate fundamental GA4 metrics and then utilize them to build reports for actionable insights. [Read now]

 10. Course Recap and Further Resources: We’ll wrap up everything learned in the course and discover lots of other great resources to continue your learning journey. [Read now]

New to the GA4 BigQuery export? Check out our free introductory guide.